Foxbot Competition Checklists
See the Foxbot Maintenance Manual for more information.
Before the Competition
Although specific items may change, here is what we should always bring:
- A set of extra batteries (6) for every VEX Joystick Controller
- An extra battery for the VEX EDR Microcontroller
- An extra 9V backup battery
- (If applicable) an extra battery for the VEX Power Expander
- An extra VEX Joystick Controller (and, if applicable, an extra partner controller)
- An extra pair of VEXnet Keys
- An extra USB-A to USB-A female cable
- An extra servo for every robot module
During the Competition
- Be sure to swap out used batteries as needed. As a rule of thumb, swap out batteries after three rounds of use.
- Tighten connections before every round.